“I am proud of that I am azerbaijanian”

Heydar Aliyev
16.11.2020, 11:00

French MPs visit Armenian Church in Baku

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A delegation consisting of members of the French National Assembly, three deputy chairmen, and a secretary of the Azerbaijan-France friendship group visited St. Gregory's Church (Armenian Church) in Baku, APA reports.

The French guests were informed about the history of the church and the measures taken by the state to preserve it.

It was noted that the high level of religious and ethnic tolerance in Azerbaijan allows for the free activity of various denominations.

It was stated that thousands of books in Armenian are preserved in the church. These include rare copies of the Bible that span several centuries. It was noted that despite the fact that Armenia has destroyed all historical, religious and cultural monuments belonging to our people on its territory, as well as on the Azerbaijani lands it has occupied for 27 years, Azerbaijan has always shown tolerance to other religions and cultures.

The guests were informed that St. Gregory's Church was included in the list of "National Registration of Historical Monuments in Azerbaijan" as a real historical and cultural monument of local importance by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2001.

The guests said they were impressed by what they saw in the church and appreciated it as an example of religious and ethnic tolerance in Azerbaijan.