“I am proud of that I am azerbaijanian”

Heydar Aliyev
19.09.2015, 17:57

Decree of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic on protection of rights and freedoms, state support to the development of language and culture of national minorities, small nations and ethnic groups, residing in the Azerbaijan Republic (1992)

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With consideration of residence on the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic of national minorities, small nations and ethnic groups and need for creation of conditions for their free development, with the purpose of further development in the republic of relations between nations and upgrading them to the level of jural state; on the basis of Article 19 of the Constitution Act on State Independence of the Azerbaijan Republic; with consideration of necessity for implementation of personal freedoms and equality of all citizens, independent of the nationality, race and religion, I hereby decree:

The Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic, ministries and agencies of the Azerbaijan Republic, head of local executive powers:

In order to protect political, economic, social and cultural rights and freedoms established under the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic, representatives of national minorities, small nations and ethnic groups, residing on the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic, to provide the required assistance in their implementation, consider at all sides within the ministry and agency frameworks, objective arising from the Decree hereof.

In accordance with professional skills of representative of national minorities, small nations and ethnic groups with consideration of their rights without discrimination, to establish all-sided conditions for practicing of such rights, prevent any actions or lack to take actions, directed at their violation, increase the attention for resolution of these issues at consideration of applications and claims during receiving of citizens.

To instruct the apparatus of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic, Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic, ministries and agencies of the Azerbaijan Republic, heads of local executive powers to perform the state assistance and government policies in following areas:

Preservation and development of cultural, linguistic and religious originality of national minorities, small nations and ethnic groups;
To perform freely national customs and traditions, religious ceremonies and rites, preservation and use of divine service facilities;
Free development of national craftsmanship, professional and amateur arts, protection of cultural and historical monuments of all nations; preservation of locations, reservations and other natural sites vital for population.

To instruct the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic, ministries of Culture, Education, Finance and Justice of the Azerbaijan Republic, heads of urban and regional administration:

Create conditions and adopt relevant legal measures for provision of rights of all nations for organization and performance in accordance with legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic of their cultural and religious agencies and societies.

To consider expedient the provision to such agencies, societies and union of state support, arising from legislation, including provision of premises, material resources and financial means.

Ministry of Justice within one month to prepare and provide to the President of the Azerbaijan Republic the legislation on rights of national minorities, small nations and ethnic groups residing in the Azerbaijan Republic.
Ministry of Justice and Committee for protection of state border of the Azerbaijan to provide the opportunities for representatives of all nations to maintain contacts with relatives, residing in other states, within one month to prepare and submit to the President of the Azerbaijan Republic the legislation on right of simplified passage of the state border of the Azerbaijan Republic.

For this purpose the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Azerbaijan Republic, other relevant ministries and agencies to provide proposals on entrance into two-sided and multi-sided agreements with relevant states.

The Ministry of Education of the Azerbaijan Republic to prepare and perform measures on learning of language and literature of small nations on the territory of their residence under school programs, and in Baku and Sumgayit- via implementation of additional training.

Considering the reformation of the Azerbaijan Pedagogic Institute of Foreign Languages into the Azerbaijan State Language Institute, to set the faculty of philology of small nations.

Kuba branch of the Azerbaijan State Arts University named after M.A. Aliyev, Gusar branch of pedagogical school named after M.A. Sabir to train personnel for Dagestanian Turks, local population and small nations.

Prepare ad submit relevant proposals on privileged acceptance to higher education special schools of residence of mountainous regions of the republic, youth of small nations and compatriots residing outside of the Republic.

In order to provide studies of historic routes, historical development, language and literature of all nations residing in Azerbaijan (including southern region), and its upgrade to world standards in the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan Republic and Baku State University named after М.А. Rasulzade to establish the department of semitology, antique languages, Caucasus science, to train experts, capable to explore the historic and cultural heritage of Shumers, Elams, Manns, Midiyans, Albanians, Hunnes, Khazars and other antique ethnicities. For this purpose experts shall be invited from abroad and students, aspirants and scientists to be sent to world’s scientific and training centers, sponsoring all costs from the state budget.
Ministries of Education and Culture of the Azerbaijan Republic to assist the preservation of craftsmanship, art professions and amateur performance, old crafts of small nations, establishment of libraries, amateur performance collectives, national art studios and shops in relevant national and cultural centers.
State Publishing Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic shall consider the issuance of education, informational reference and belees- lettres in languages of small nations.

Considering that country has no periodical media on national relations, in order to light the life and arts, labor, spiritual world of all nations, provide state assistance for spreading of their languages and culture to publish the weekly newspaper coordinated by the Presidential Advisor for international relations «Elin Sesi».

"Azerbaijan Broadcasting"Closed Joint-Stock Company to organize television and radio programs, which enlighten the literature, folklore, life and work of small nations and ethnic groups residing in Azerbaijan, as well as to provide the issuance of Republic News in Lezghin, Talysh and Kurdish languages, daily programs of local radio centers on languages of small nations.
Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic to provide financing of activities of state assistance to development of languages and culture of nations indicated in the Decree hereof.
Heads of executive authorities of Baku, Sumgayit, Lenkoran, Gusar, Zakatala, Gabala within one month to provide buildings or premises for national and cultural centers of Slavs, Jews, Lezghin, Talyshs, Avars, Udines and other small nations and ethnic groups.
The consulting council on international relations, established within the Presidential Apparatus, to be instructed along with representation of interests of all nations, to improve international relations, as well as to develop relevant recommendations and measures for implementation of presidential authorities, resolution of practical issues, arising from the Decree hereof.
To assign the General Prosecutor of the Azerbaijan Republic, Ministry of National Security of the Azerbaijan Republic, Ministry of Justice of the Azerbaijan Republic to prevent in accordance with legislation any actions directed at national discrimination, announcement of national superiority or unleashing of national conflicts, as well as bringing responsible persons to account.

President of the Azerbaijan Republic

City of Baku, September 16, 1992
№ 212.