“I am proud of that I am azerbaijanian”

Heydar Aliyev
20.11.2020, 17:00

Aghdam district returns to us without firing a single shot or killing a single person

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"Our victory on the battlefield also preconditioned our political victory. But this would not have been possible without the military victory"


President, Victorious Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev has congratulated the people of Azerbaijan on the liberation of Aghdam district from occupation.

AZERTAC reports that conveying this good news in his address to the nation on November 20, the head of state said: “I sincerely congratulate you on the liberation of Aghdam district. I heartily congratulate all the people of Aghdam. Dear people of Aghdam, you are no longer IDPs. You will return to your ancestral land.”

“The liberation of Aghdam district is the result of a trilateral statement signed on 10 November. I have repeatedly said that the settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is possible both politically and militarily. We have been trying to resolve this issue politically for many years. However, the whole world saw that this issue was not resolved due to the position of Armenia, and it was our legal right to resolve the issue by military means. This right is recognized by international norms and principles. This right is given to us by the UN Charter. Every country can defend itself, and we have defended ourselves,” President Ilham Aliyev emphasized.

"The liberation of Aghdam was possible as a result of the glorious military victory. If Azerbaijan had not defeated Armenia on the battlefield, Armenia would not have left our lands of its own free will. There are many reasons for this. First of all, because of the fortifications they had built in those regions, in the occupied territories. A lot of money was invested there. Those fortifications were intended to prevent the Azerbaijani Army from passing through them. But they were wrong again. They could not calculate our strength correctly. They did not know what the Azerbaijani Army and Azerbaijani citizens were capable of doing. They did not know that it was our strength, equipment and morale that led us to that Victory. They did not know that the people of Azerbaijan have been living with the desire to return to their ancestral lands for all these years. All these and other factors paved the way for our Victory...

Our victory on the battlefield also preconditioned our political victory. Aghdam district returns to us without firing a single shot or killing a single person. This is our great political success. But this would not have been possible without the military victory", the head of state said.